Science in English – The Sun, Earth and Moon
Science in English (The Sun, Earth and Moon)
Grade 3
The Sun
- The sun is a star
- The sun is a fiery ball of gas
- The sun is much bigger than the earth and moon
- The sun gives out light and heat
The Earth
- The earth is a planet
- The earth spins like a top (earth rotation)
- The earth travels around the sun (earth revolution)
- The earth path is called its orbit
- The time it takes for the earth to spin around once is one day
- The time it takes for the earth to travel once around the sun is one year
- The earth is the place where animals, plants, and human live
The Moon
- The moon is a cold ball of rock
- It orbits the earth or travels around the earth
- It takes just over 27 days for the moon to complete one orbit of the earth
- The moon is earth satellite
- The moon is smaller than the sun and earth.
- We can see moon in the sky at night
- The moon is cold and does not give out light.
- The moon reflects light from the sun
- The side of the moon is lit by sunlight. The other side is dark
Phases of the moon
- The moon seems to change shape as it moves around the earth. Why?
- This is because we can only see the part of the moon that is lit by the sun.
- These changes are called the phases of the moon.
- Waxing: when the moon is getting brighter from one day to the next.
- Waning: when the moon is getting dimmer
The Moon and the Months
- The time from one new moon to the next is between 29 and 30 days.
- The time from one new moon to the next is called a lunar month.
- In the Islamic calendar, a new month starts when the Hilal (crescent moon) just become visible.
- The moon does not give out light. How can we see it?
- We can see the moon in the sky at night because it reflects light from the sun.
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