Science in English – Forces And Energy (Sound) – Online Quiz

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  • When an object vibrates, such as vocal chords, the vibrations push the surrounding molecules in every direction. A medium is composed of molecules and can be solid, liquid, or gas. A medium is necessary for sound energy to be moved from one place to another because the sound travels by pushing molecules into each other in all directions emanating from the source, sort of like dominoes.
  • Sound energy travels out in all directions through a medium from the sound source.
  • Sound wavesare typically used to show how sound can travel in a particular direction and can be used to capture pitch and volume.
  • Vibrations diminish over a distance. Loudness diminishes over a distance.We measure sound in decibels.
  • Vibrations “cause” sound that we can hear. The harder the force to begin the vibration,the louder the soundand the more energy it has(wave amplituderepresents volume)
  • Sounds travel through air to our ears.
  • The outer ear directs sound waves into ear canal

(a) Ear bone (b) eardrum (c) ossicles (d) cochlea (e) nerve (f) outer ear (pinna) (g) ear canal (h) middle ear (i) inner ear

We hear with our  ears. Soundwaves make the     eardrum    vibrate. The ossicles carry the vibration to the    cochlea. Fluid inside the cochlea makes tiny hairs vibrate and send signals to the brain. We have two ears to help us judge the  direction  of a sound. A stethoscope amplifies the sound from the heart.         A  microphone changes sound waves into electrical signals.

  1. A sound can be loud or soft.
  2. Small vibrations produce quiet
  3. a ruler makes a louder  sound when you flick it harder so that it moves further to and fro.
  4. Sounds that spoil the environment are called sound pollution.
  5. Aircraft noise / noise from a construction site is one example of sound pollution.
  6. The loudness of sounds is measured in decibels
  7. The sound of people talking quietly is about 40 decibels, noisy traffic is 80 decibels, a loud pop concert is 100 decibels, and a jet aircraft nearby is 130
  8. People working in noisy environment must wear ear protectors

Online Quiz

Created by sec

Science in English

Science in English - Forces And Energy (Sound)

Tell us about yourself 😉

1 / 31

A spiral tube inside our ear called ……..

2 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

The sound of people talking quietly is about  ..............  decibels, noisy traffic is 80 decibels, a loud pop concert is 100 decibels, and a jet aircraft nearby is 130

3 / 31

The outer ear directs sound waves into the …….

4 / 31

The ……… help us to judge the direction from which a sound comes.

5 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

People working in noisy environment must wear ..................

6 / 31

The waves travel down the ear canal and hit the ……

7 / 31

A vibrating object moves …..

8 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

The loudness of sounds is measured in .....................

9 / 31

These are the examples of vibration, except ……

10 / 31

A singer uses a ……… and sound system to amplify her voice.

11 / 31

Fill in the blank with the right parts of the ear.

Example : (a)coockies (b)donut (c)hamburger , ........... etc

12 / 31

…….. travel through solid and liquids too.

13 / 31

Our ears allow us to …….. the sounds around us

14 / 31

Sounds are made when something ……..

15 / 31

These musical instrument has high pitched, except…

16 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

Aircraft noise / ................................ site  is one example of sound pollution.

17 / 31

Sounds travel through …… to our ears.

18 / 31

Physical movement or oscillation of a mechanical part about a reference position.

19 / 31

A doctor uses a ……… to listen to the sound of a patients heart beating.

20 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

Sounds that spoil the environment are called ......................

21 / 31

Blowing harder makes the air in a flute vibrate more, so the sound is …...

22 / 31

Dolphins and whales make underwater sounds to ………. with each other.

23 / 31

Whenever something vibrates, it produce …….

24 / 31

Complete the sentences with the word given

Liquids            sound wave                 solids              vibrates            gases

Sounds are made by something that ............  the to-and-fro motion pushes on the air to create a  ............. The wave travels away from the vibrating sources in all directions. Sounds can travel through .............,  ............ and .........................

25 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

Small vibrations produce .............  sound.

26 / 31

Kind of energy that travels into our ears as waves.

27 / 31

Hearing the …… of a sound helps us respond to danger.

28 / 31

Complete the sentences with the word given.

 Cochlea                  eardrum                   ossicles              direction            Microphone          stethoscope    

We hear with our  ears. Soundwaves make the ................... vibrate. The ..................... carry the vibration to the .................... Fluid inside the cochlea makes tiny hairs vibrate and send signals to the brain. We have two ears to help us judge the .................. of a sound.  A ..............  amplifies the sound from the heart. A ............... changes sound waves into electrical signals.

29 / 31

A ……. travels away from the sound source in all direction.

30 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

A sound can be loud or ....................

31 / 31

Fill in the blank with correct answer.

a ruler makes a ................  sound when you flick it harder so that it moves further to and fro.

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