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Penjelasan singkat :

Expression of quantity merupakan ungkapan yang dipakai untuk menunjukkan jumlah suatu benda yang dapat dihitung (countable noun) dan benda yang  tidak dapat dihitung (uncountable noun).

1. Much ; many = banyak
Many digunakan untuk countable noun, sedangkan Much digunakan untuk uncountable noun.
Contoh :
– They take a much sugar and many books in that store
– She buys many banana in the supermarket

2. A little ; few (sedikit)
a few digunakan untuk countable noun, sedangkan a little untuk uncountable noun

Contoh :
– I have a little tea and few pens.
– There is a little salt in the jail

3. A number of ; the number of
A number of adalah sejumlah, sedangkan The number of adalah jumlah.
Keduanya diikuti oleh countable noun (kata benda yang bisa dihitung).

Contoh :
– The number of employee is 40 (jumlah karyawannya 40).
– a number of employee are working in my office. (sejumlah karyawan bekerja di kantor saya).

4. Some ; any (Beberapa)
Some digunakan untuk kalimat positif, sedangkan any digunakan untuk kalimat negatif. Keduanya bisa diikuti oleh kata benda countable dan uncountable.

Contoh :
– My mother gives me some candies
– She does not drink any coffee and does not eat any banana.

5. Several (beberapa)
Several digunakan untuk countable noun.

Contoh : Mr. Andi teaches several students

6. A lot of ; Lots of ; Plenty of (Banyak).
Semuanya bisa digunakan untuk countable noun dan uncountable noun.

Contoh :
– They add a lot of sugar into your coffee (dia menambahkan banyak gula di kopi mu).
– I have plenty of friends

7. Most (sebagian besar)
Most bisa digunakan untuk keduannya (countable noun dan uncoutable noun).

Contoh :
– most of the coffee is on the table.
– most of the dummer looking for a new band.

8. All (semua)
Bisa digunakan untuk keduanya, yaitu countable noun dan uncountable noun.

Contoh :
– all of his money has gone.
– all of the cars are amazing.

Jika kita jabarkan secara keseluruhan , maka :

– A atau An (sebuah, secarik, setangkai, selembar dan lain-lain….)
– Two, three, four, six, ten…(dalam jumlah number 1,3,4,6,10…)
– Each (masing-masing/ setiap)
– Every (setiap)
– some (beberapa)
– several (beberapa)
– a couple of (sepasang)
– a pair of (sepasang)
– many (banyak)
– a few (sedikit)
– Much (banyak)
– a little (sedikit)
– a lot of (banyak)
– a count of (banyak)
– plenty of (banyak)
– lots of (banyak)
– all (seluruh)
– most (seluruh)


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Expression of Quantity

1 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Nobody can buy that car because it is  .......... expensive

2 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Mr.Andi : Have you seen that flower?
Mr.Dono : No, I can not see it because of th crowd.

Mr. Andi : I think there are ........  people visiting this park today.


3 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

The Olympic games consist of the Summers Games and the Winter Games. ............are held every four years.

4 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Type your answer!

My Sister has ........................ flour.

5 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Several students are happy.

Several means ............

6 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Type your answer!

Clarissa needed ................ water to take the medicine.

7 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

No student is absent because ........  them have come.

8 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Can you give me ...................salt to make an omelette?

9 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

I think our team will become the winner in this competition because ................. the players practice hard everyday.

10 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Type Your Answer!

Axel has ............. friends because he is not friendly.

11 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

I do not have  ........... paper to write a letter.

12 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

In Medan, there are ............... cars on the road causing traffic jams everyday.

13 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

(A)  : Do you know Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi?
(B)  : Yes, ...........  of them are my favorite football players

14 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Mr.Andi : You have many good books. Do you like reading?
Mr.Dono : Yes, I do. I have read  ........ of them because they are interesting.

15 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

There is ................... salt in the jar.

16 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

I think there are not .................. animals in that forest because most of them have been hunted and killed.

17 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

...................... of students in my class is thirsty.

18 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Dino needs a Mathematics book, but He does not have .................. money to buy it.

19 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

On the table, there is but ............. rice

20 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

Type your answer!

Mrs. Inka spent ................... money on clothes.

21 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

There are ......................students who are studying English now.

22 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

I do not like going to the zoo on Sunday because on that day there are .................. people going there with their family.

23 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

There is .................. clouds on the sky.

24 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

There are a lot of people watching the Spiderman Movie.

a lots of means.....................

25 / 25

Category: Expression of Quantity

I need ................. more days to complete my report.

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