Persiapan UN Bahasa Inggris 2019-2020


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The following texts is for questions number 1 and 2.

Dear Dimas,

Do you have any plans for next weekend? Tono and I are going fishing at my uncle’s house. It’s been along time since we spent a weekend together. Will you join us? My brother, Tono, will drive us to the village. if you are interested, let me know soon.


  • Why does Akmal ask Dimas to join them for the weekend?
    A. Dimas is one of Akmal’s best friend.
    B. Akmal knows that Dimas likes fishing.
    C. Dimas doesn’t have any plans for weekend.
    D. It’s been long time since they spend a weekend together.

Pembahasan : Dalam teks tercantum kalimat… It’s been a long time since we spent a weekend together. Hal ini menunjukkan alasan mengapa Akmal mengajak Dims berakhir pekan untuk memancing. (Jawabn: D)

  • From the message we can conclude that….
    A. all of the boys have same hobbies
    B. they will go to the village by car
    C. both Dimas and Tono are Akmals best friend
    D. they always spend their weekend together

Pembahasan : Tujuan mereka berakhir pekan adalah untuk memancing kemudian Akmal mengajak Dimas untuk ikut memancing. Jadi, bisa disimpulkan bahwa mereka memiliki hobi yang sama, yaitu memancing. Jawabannya yang tepat adalah All of the boys have the same hobbies. (Jawaban: A)

The following texts is for questions number 3 and 4.

Dear Fachri,

When your name is called as the best student please step forward-for high five! Youre the best. Congratulations.

Uncle Farhan

  • From the text, we know that Fachri….
    A. gets a medal for the best student
    B. is the best student at school
    C. graduates from high school
    D. got five for his test

Pembahasan : Kalimat… is called as the best student menunjukkan bahwa ia murid terbaik di sekolahnya, sehingga disuruh ke depan. (jawaban: B)

  • please step ‘forward‘…
    The underlined word means
    A. come to the front
    B. move back
    C. one step to the left
    D. step in line

Pembahasan : Kata step forward bermakna sama dengan come to the front yang artinya maju ke depan.         (jawaban: A)


  • Where do we usually find the text
    A. At the lake
    B. At the beach
    C. At the river bank
    D. At the swimming pool

Pembahasan : Peringatan ini biasanya kita temukan di pantai karena ada kata sharp corals, yang artinya karang yang tajam. Karang biasa ditemukan di tepi pantai. (jawaban: B)

The following text is for questions number 8 to 10.

To : All Employees of Indoraya Market
Subject : Staff uniform

All employees are required to wear uniform during work hours. The reason is to distinguish them from customers. Woman should wear red t-shirt and black skirt. Men should wear white t-shirt and black trousers.

  • Why do the employees have to wear a uniform during work hours
    A. To make them more colorful.
    B. To differenciate them from customers.
    C. To distinguish between work day and holiday.
    D. To make it easier to distinguish between man and woman.

Pembahasan : Dalam teks ada kalimat the reason to distinguish them from customers (alasannya adalah untuk membedakan mereka dengan pelanggan), yang artinya sama dengan pilihan B, yaitu membedakan mereka dengan pelanggan. (jawaban: B)

  • All employees are ‘required’ to wear a uniform…
    The underlined word similiar in meaning with…
    A. instructed
    B. shown
    C. pointed
    D. admitted

Pembahasan : Kata required bermakna sama dengan instructed yang artinya diperintahkan atau di haruskan

  • What is the announcement about
    A. The description of a t-shirt for the staff and employees.
    B. The imformation of a new uniform for the employees.
    C. The explanation of the difference between employees and customers.
    D. The information on how to wear a uniform during work hours.

Pembahasan : Pengumuman ini adalah tentang cara memakai seragam ketika jam kerja Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan kalimat women should wear red t-shirt and black skirt. Men should wear whihte t-shirt and black trousers.

Bagaimana dengan teks soal yang panjang? Di sini kalian perlu pemahaman tentang tema paragraf, gagasan utama dan lainnya, sama seperti bahasa Indonesia juga. Contohnya seperti soal di bawah ini:

  • The following text is for questions 1 to 3.
    Someone that I admire a lot is my grandfather. His name is Dwija Nugraha. He is my mother’s father. He is about 55 years old now and still working as an an Elementary School teacher. He loves me very much and gives special attention to me. I admire him for some reasons.
    First, my grandfather is a hard worker. He loves his job very much. He is a very dedicated person. For example, he never comes late for his class. He teaches his students seriously and builds a good relationship with them. Consequently, his students love him and often come to his house to study.
    Second, my grandfather is a very lovable person. He is a caring person. He gives much attention to me. For example, he teaches me how to make handicrafts. He gives me some books to read. Even, he shares his experiences and gives me some advises how to get along with friends.
    In general, my grandfather is a kind man. I love him very much. In addition, he is a good figure for me.

1. What does the text tell us about?
A. An old grandfather.
B. A very good teacher.
C. An Elementary School teacher.
D. The writer’s lovable grandfather.

Pembahasan : Setelah kita baca paragraf pertama, maka akan kita dapati bahwa ide pokok paragrafnya adalah “Grandfather”. Paragraf kedua dan ketiga bahkan lebih spesifik lagi. Maka isi teks secara keseluruhan adalah deskripsi tentang The writer’s loveable grandfather, maka jawaban yang tepat adalah D.

2. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
A. Mr. Dwija Nugraha loves his job very much.
B. The students love the writer’s grandfather.
C. The writer’s grandfather is a hard worker.
D. Mr. Nugraha is always on time.

Pembahasan : Pikiran utama terletak pada kalimat pertama “The writer’s grandfather is a hard worker” di mana kalimat-kalimat setelahnya berfungsi menjelaskan atau menguraikan kalimat pertama tersebut. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah C

3. The writer admires his grandfather because ….
A. he is a hard worker and a very loveable person.
B. he builds a good relationship with his students.
C. he gives the writer some books.
D. he loves the writer very much.

Pembahasan :  Jawaban dapat disimpulkan dari kalimat-kalimat: I admire him for some reasons. Pada paragraf berikutnya: First, …. dan Second,….Di sini alasan utamanya adalah he is a hard worker and a very loveable person. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah A

Baiklah, cukup pemanasannya ya :D, silahkan latihan Online 😉

